31 December 2013

2013 Post-Mortem

Walaikumussalam :)

Memandangkan dua ribu tiga belas sudah hampir ke penghujung, aku terasa macam nak buat post-mortem on my 2013 Wishes and 2013 Wish List. So, here we go!


1. To be happy with my family and friends. Checked!
My relationship with my family, especially, is getting better towards ending of this year and I hope we will be a one happy family till jannah, insyaAllah :)

2. Dapat JPA scholarship #insyaAllah Failed :(
Memandangkan result sem 2 aku yang teruk gila, menjunam jatuh ke gaung wa cakap lu, jadinya peluang nak mintak scholar tu pun aku kuburkan sajelaa. InsyaAllah, sem ni mungkin?

3. Gain many friends, nak tambah network hihi  Checked!
Errmmm, since aku join a forum and made friends there, so it still counts la kan? Even virtually pun? So, yeah! Success!

4. Menjadi pelajar yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang cewaaahh In progress?
Ehem, yang ni memang tak boleh nak kata apa lah kan. Tunggu je lah result time grad nanti. kekeke

5. Tingkatkan ilmu, kurangkan bergosip hikhik In progress?
Yup, yang ni pun sama jugak. On going process sebenarnya. hiks

6. Maintain berat badan :p Failed :(
Guess what? Berat aku dah naik and I'm not happy with that. Yup, I need to diet. And exercise too.

7. Matangkan diri sendiri In progress?
On going process too. But I feel that I'm more mature that last year lah kot. That's a good thing kan?

8. Kurangkan sifat panas baran dan banyak bersabar okay, ini sangat susah Checked!
This one, aku noticed aku dapat kawal la sedikit sebanyak perasaan marah aku tu. Tapi kalau time PMS faham-faham jelah. hehe

9. Dapat jadi fasi untuk MJM sesi 2013/2014 Failed :(
Failed the interview sobs :'(

10. Jadi senior yang disenangi junior hikhik In progress?
Setakat ni tak jumpa lagi junior sebenarnya. Tak tahu lah kenapa, this year tak buat program dengan junior. MKT terlepas pandang agaknya. Hmmmm, so, on going process?

11. Dapat jadi seorang yang outstanding sikit ini sangat propa :P Failed :(
deep sigh Aku failed tiga interview this semester, and so yeah. Malu la jugak nak jumpa orang-orang yang menginterview aku tu, even aku tau diorang mesti takkan ingat aku punyalah. Yelah, tak outstanding, macam mana nak lepas interview kan? sigh

12. Nak dapat blackbelt in taekwando yeahh Failed :(
Pergi kelas pun tak, nak dapat blackbelt cenggana? kekeke

13. Keep this relationship till jannah #insyaALLAH ayat cliche sangat! Failed?
Jap, relationship apa eah? o.O Hmmmm. Entah. haha Who am I kidding?! Okay, okay, I admit it. I was STUPID, I WAS stupid and I'll NEVER be stupid again. Thank God now, I'm not stupid anymore. Lesson learnt and I'm grateful for that. My life is now even happier. So, this is considered a success? Failed? haha Lu pikir la sendiri noks!


1. Sweater Checked!
My sister gave it to me, since dia tak pakai and since aku pun memang nak sweater, so aku ambik jelah. And it was lovely! 

2. Selipar dalam bilik Failed :(
Tak jumpa yang comel, so aku tak beli >.<

3. Table lamp Failed :(
Memandangkan dah tukar bilik and tak memerlukan jadi tak perlu beli. Still aku nak jugak satu. hehe

4. Norman Baby Blue from Sometime Boutique Checked!
First item yang aku beli dalam wish list aku ni hah. And proud to have it :)

5. Hard disk Checked!
Buy one on my on and using my own money. So proud to have one. Tapi macam tak cukup je sebab yang ada ni pun dah almost penuh. Have to buy one more. eheh

6. Ipod touch 4th generation Failed :(
Don't have the money. Me is so pathetic. sigh

7. Samsung Galaxy S3 Failed :(
Ya ya, I know. Now I want to buy S4 or even considered an iPhone. keke Just want a new phone actually. And yeah, Puan Mama dah approve nak beli next year. Using my own money of course =.=

8. DSLR Camera Failed :(
This one memang tau dah takkan dapat dalam dua tiga tahun ni. But sekarang tengah gigih mengumpul duit nak beli. Kak Long dah beli dah, and memang tak lah dia nak kasi orang sentuh dia punya gadget kan. So yeah, definitely have to buy on my own.

Okayyyy, so that was it. Banyak yang failed daripada success. Maybe I should lessen on my wish and actually start doing them. And by doing them like seriously DOING them! So, that's how I sum up my 2013. How about yours?
May Allah bless us in the future :)
- amira_hasrori -

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